Loosen Your Grip

1 Peter 5:7 Amplified Bible “Casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].”

What needs to be done today? What do I do first? Who do I need to call? When does all this need to be finished? Does all this sound familiar to you? Ask yourself, “Am I gripping things too tight?” “Have I got a white-knuckle hold on life?” If the answer is yes, here’s some great advice, “Loosen your grip”.

To illustrate my point, I have another golf story for you this week. It’s about Greg Norman, a very gifted and famous golfer from Australia, and physically one of the most talented golfers in the world. At one point in his career, there was a recurring pattern in his tournament play. He would lead the first three rounds, then in the fourth and final round he would lose. This happened three straight times. In his next tournament he had the lead again, but the night before the final round, Hall of Fame golfer, Jack Nicklaus, walked over to Greg at a restaurant and said quietly, “Loosen your hands on the grip, it’ll help”. Greg followed Jack’s advice and won that tournament and three straight tournaments that followed.

If you’ll loosen your grip on life a little, it’ll make a big difference. When you rest God works, when you work God rests. You will accomplish more and experience more victories by resting than you will by being anxious and trying harder. Go ahead, cast all your cares, anxieties, worries, and concerns once for all on Him. You’ll see. He cares about your watchfully and affectionately. Loosen your grip.