Sleepless in Heaven

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Esther 6:1 “That night the king could not sleep; so he ordered the book of the chronicles, the record of his reign, to be brought in and read to him. “

It’s amazing how an event in your life can be turned around by one sleepless night! In the 1993 movie Sleepless in Seattle, after the death of his wife Sam Baldwin (Tom Hanks) moves to Seattle with his son Jonah. When Jonah calls a talk radio program to find a wife for his dad, Sam reluctantly gets on the phone to talk to the radio host. Annie Reed (Meg Ryan) seeks out the dad and eventually they meet and fall in love. Can everyone say Awww!

In Esther 6:1, the king has a sleepless night and asks for the book of Chronicles to be read to him…interesting choice. By God’s design he hears about a man named Mordecai who saved his life. What he didn’t know at the time is that Mordecai’s life was in danger because of the evil Hamon. Also by God’s design, the king decided on that sleepless night that it was time to honor Mordecai for his valiant act. That’s the favor of God. That same favor is working behind the scenes for you right now. Someone is going to have a “sleepless night” and your face is going to come to their mind. You are going to get that job, that promotion is going to go into effect, rules are going to be changed on your behalf, policies are going to be amended, doors are going to open. Why? Because God never slumbers or sleeps, He’s always awake orchestrating ways to bless you and moving things into position on your behalf. While you’re sleeping, He’s working. He’s sleepless in heaven!