Is Anybody There?

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Acts 9:10 “And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord”

Last week, I was on the phone with someone and suddenly there was silence, and I said, “Is anybody there?” I said it more than once, and finally the person said, “I’m here”.

This verse is a verse that most people don’t have underlined in their Bible. But there was a time when the Lord spoke to me through this verse, asking me, “How many times have I called your name and you weren’t there because you were doing something else”. What would have happened if when God called Ananias, he was in such a state that the” cares of this life, the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things” were choking the Word? What if he was so preoccupied that he wasn’t listening to God? Maybe God would’ve raised up someone else to minister to Saul.

How many times has God spoken to you and tried to keep you from making a mistake and you “weren’t there”? How many times did He try to move on your behalf, but you were too busy to hear, or listen, or obey? If we are going to experience His best in our lives, we are going to have to start unplugging from this world and give God an opportunity to speak to us in that still, small voice.

There are some of you who are so talented that you depend only upon that talent. You believe you can get things done on your own because you’re so good at what you do. God wants you to be dependent upon Him. God is always speaking, but are you always listening? Do everything you can to make sure that He doesn’t have to say, “Is anybody there”? Be an Ananias today, don’t let him pass you by. God created you to make a difference. I believe you will. I believe you will be one of the ones to say “Behold, I am here Lord”.