Grace Delivery System

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Mark 5:27 - "When she had heard of Jesus..."

It's about that time of year when we begin to see a lot more Fedex and UPS trucks on the road making deliveries for the holidays.  In fact, according to Fortune Magazine, for the first time in history, there are more shoppers going to the web, rather than to an actual store to make their purchases. Which is why it's no surprise that drone delivery testing efforts are "on the rise".   That's right.  The next time you order a new pair of shoes, they might just arrive by drone.  Did you know that God has a delivery system to get things to you in your life?  It's called the "grace delivery system".

In Mark 5: 27 there's a powerful and revealing story of a woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years.  It was an incurable disease, which cost her every penny she had in doctor bills, yet it got worse and worse.  Then one day she heard about Jesus.  She heard of the great things He had said and done.  As soon as she heard, her miracle began.    

Notice it didn't say she heard Jesus herself.  The Word says she heard of Jesus. Great things happen in the lives of others when you talk about Jesus.  You don't need to preach.  You don't need a degree in theology.  Just start talking about Jesus.  Share your testimony.  Share the good things He has done for you.

What did she hear? It wasn't the law, because the law said that a woman with a running issue of blood was considered unclean and had to stay separated from people.  What she heard was the grace and unmerited favor of God.  She knew that if she just touched the hem of Jesus' garment she would be whole.

Today, when we hear the Word, we can receive our miracle when that Word is planted in the fertile soil of our heart.  Just by hearing the good news of the Gospel, the "grace delivery system" can bring you what belongs to you in your blood bought covenant.  Expect your miracle like you expect your online purchase to arrive at your door.  It's yours, receive it.